Electric Bike vs. Car: Which One Is Better for the Environment?

Girl riding an Ampler E-Bike with trailer through the city.

Environmental protection is an important topic that should ideally be close to everyone’s heart. Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives for individual transport that are comfortable, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly. For example, a modern e-bike can be used instead of a car to cover longer distances without any problems, while the environmental impact is reduced to a minimum. But the concept of electric bikes vs. cars offers many more advantages.

Let’s look at the benefits of e-bikes, which will play a significant role in the mobility revolution of tomorrow. In this way, you will gain a good overview and be able to decide for yourself whether the purchase of an urban electric bike is worthwhile or not.

Electric Bike vs. Car: A Brief Overview

Naturally, a direct comparison between the two options is not really feasible because it’s not always the case that only one or the other is suitable. Nevertheless, for shorter distances without major transport needs, taking an electric bike vs. a car is advisable. This is cheaper, promotes an active lifestyle and also protects the environment.


You don’t need to be a mathematical genius to figure out that even the most expensive electric bikes are still far cheaper than a car. The purchase cost alone is about ten times higher for a car, and in most cases the difference in cost is even more glaring. But apart from that, you have to add expensive fuel, costly insurance, extensive maintenance expenses and quite possibly high parking fees as well.

An affordable, high-quality e-bike, on the other hand, is available for as little as €2,000, and low energy and maintenance costs render the overall package even more attractive. According to recent estimates, it costs just €0.004 per kilometre to run an electric bike, i.e. less than one cent. Petrol for a car, with an average consumption of 7 litres, costs around €0.11 per kilometre – more than 20 times as much.


In this category, the car literally has the edge, as it can cover hundreds of kilometres and can be refuelled quickly in between. An e-bike, on the other hand, is especially suitable for shorter distances to work, into town or to visit friends. Although the range is 50 to 100 kilometres on a single charge, distances of no more than 15 to 25 kilometres are more realistic in everyday life.

However, that is precisely the distance most people cover every day. Even commuters travel only 16.9 kilometres on average; therefore, a car is often not necessary for this journey. Thanks to the practical pedal assistance of the e-bike, commuting up to 20 kilometres is easily manageable, even though it requires a little patience. Most journeys of less than 10 kilometres are a piece of cake anyway.


Being dependent on your car encourages an increasingly unhealthy lifestyle, which can have a negative impact on your health. This is especially evident in countries like the USA, where the car-centric infrastructure means that even short trips are generally made exclusively by car. But people need regular exercise to stay healthy in the long term, and an e-bike can be a fun way to stay fit.

So, when it comes down to the electric bike vs. the car, this is where the e-bike scores with further advantages. The time spent commuting can be invested sensibly in increasing your fitness level. Although you burn fewer calories per kilometre than on a conventional bike, due to the electric drive, you typically cover much longer distances. So, ultimately, an e-bike is a very useful means of keeping fit.

Environmental Impact

Some people claim that an e-bike is harmful to the environment, while the electricity continues to be sourced from coal-fired power stations. But the electricity generated from renewable sources is currently almost 40% in Europe, and the trend is rising. In the foreseeable future, fossil fuels will hardly play a role, whereas the green e-bike is already really environmentally friendly today.

If we look at the emissions generated by an electric bike vs. a car, it becomes apparent that the energy consumption and CO₂ emissions of an electric bike are minimal. Even compared to an electric car, the e-bike saves a whopping 82 grams of lifecycle CO₂ emissions per kilometre as its emission rate is 22 g/km, as opposed to 104 g/km. This makes the electric bike a clear winner vs. a car.

This Is How You Can Make Full Use of the E-Bike Advantages

The e-bike excels in many areas of everyday life and can often completely replace the need for a car. And yet, it’s surprisingly comfortable. The powerful electric drive even allows senior citizens to master longer distances without any issues or discomfort.

These tips will help you get the most out of your bike:

  • Inform yourself about all the relevant factors when buying an e-bike so that you can find the right model for your requirements.
  • Start with shorter distances between 5 and 10 kilometres. Experienced cyclists will soon be able to cover longer distances of up to 20 kilometres almost effortlessly.
  • Thanks to the practical luggage racks, you can even use your e-bike for larger shopping expeditions. This will save you money compared to using the car.
  • Make sure you take good care of your bike and have it serviced regularly. This guarantees a long service life of 40,000 km and more.
  • Follow our useful tips for the perfect handling of the e-bike battery to guarantee high performance even after many years of use.

Electric Bike vs. Car: Leasing Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Some people are particularly fond of cars, especially if they are provided by their employer via a leasing scheme or a company car privilege. However, this modern financing method is also available for e-bikes; in many countries, the legislators don’t impose any restrictions. So, these days, thanks to leasing, you can use an e-bike just like a company car and benefit from the same tax advantages for your electric mode of transportation.

Five Reasons to Switch to an Electric Bike

Here is a brief summary of all the advantages of using an electric bike vs.a car:

  1. The purchase and operating costs are much lower.
  2. You can easily cover distances between 15 and 25 kilometres.
  3. An e-bike allows you to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
  4. You help minimise emissions and environmental impact.
  5. There are attractive leasing options and tax breaks for company bikes.

Therefore, the advantages of using an e-bike instead of a car are clear. If you want to make an important contribution to environmental protection today, you should use a green e-bike as often as possible.

The Bottom Line

Electrification is in full swing and e-bikes are one of the most popular alternatives to cars, even electric cars. They are inexpensive, reliable and allow you to comfortably cover longer distances. Thanks to their low power consumption, these bikes are extremely environmentally friendly and help to sustainably improve the quality of life.

If you want to use an e-bike instead of a car, Ampler’s stylish and lightweight e-bikes are the perfect choice. We are constantly striving to improve our eco-balance even further.

Why not schedule your test ride now, to find your perfect fit?

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