E-bike Resolutions

resolution ebikes

E-bikes offer a unique combination of exercise and convenience, making them great for keeping resolutions this year. If you’re an e-bike rider or considering becoming one, setting some fun targets can help you stay motivated throughout 2023 in a gratifying and sustainable way. Whether you’re well-versed or new to the e-bike world, there are plenty of goals you can set to make the most of this coming year.

What makes a good resolution?

Resolutions should not be a fail or succeed metric. Putting too much weight on a goal can often lead to negative outcomes when we feel we are not reaching it. For example, saying ‘I will finish a marathon’ is far more intimidating than ‘I will exercise more’. If you set harsh targets you risk forgoing them entirely at the first moment of ‘failure’. By being more disciplined you may just find that you do complete that marathon. 

Simple ideas for great resolutions: 5 areas of success

Don’t confine yourself to singular resolutions this year. Instead, we recommend you target one or all of these areas below. What’s great about having broader goals is you often achieve more. As you read on you’ll notice that many of these suggestions overlap. Forming new routines with your e-bike will give you a much better chance of staying motivated and achieving success this year. 


If your goal is to increase stamina and get fit your e-bike could be your best friend. Regular exercise is much more valuable than irregular spells. An Ampler allows you to adjust your motor assistance so you can set the pace and cycle regularly, even when tired. That frequent use will keep you disciplined and help burn calories. You can also lower the assist for that extra push. Perhaps your resolution is simply to use an e-bike to get to the gym or cover a certain amount of kilometres each week. You’ll notice the difference. 


One resolution many make is to be more environmentally conscious. There are various ways to do this from reducing meat consumption and using less plastic to switching to renewable energy providers. An e-bike is a great tool in this regard as they reduce noise pollution, and traffic congestion and is emission-free. You can make an impact simply by using the car less and making sure you always cycle those shorter journeys. Have a look at our sustainability page to see how Ampler bikes are environmentally conscious and consider making the change today. 


Perhaps your resolution this year is to engage more with your community and be more social. You could use your e-bike to meet up with friends or family members for activities, such as day tours or exploring the city. Additionally, you could participate in local events or charity rides. There are plenty of opportunities for cycling enthusiasts to meet online, such as meetup.com. By using your e-bike to be more active and engage with others, you can improve your social connections and overall well-being.


E-bikes help people explore and are a great motivator for travelling. One of the main benefits is they make covering long distances or hilly terrain that much easier. If you resolve to see more of your country, or even your local area, consider taking your bike on a train or attaching it to the car for a fun trip. There are also professionally organised e-biking tours you can book all over the world. Many people find that e-bikes make it easier to get out and enjoy the outdoors, and they can be a great way to stay active and healthy while travelling.

Spend less

Using an e-bike can help you save money in several ways. They’re a cost-effective alternative to owning a car, especially if you live in an urban area where you can use it far more regularly. E-bikes are also more efficient in the sense you don’t need to spend more on petrol and maintenance. By using your bike for short trips or to cover the “last mile” of your commute, you can also save money on public transport. With that extra revenue, you can plan a holiday, or put it toward a gym membership and better achieve some of the already-mentioned resolutions!

Tips for keeping your resolutions

  • Set a pace: Give yourself a reasonable timeline for resolutions. This can help you forgive slower weeks and measure progress throughout the year.
  • Use support: Enlist the help of friends and family to help you stay on track. Even joining clubs or open meet-ups will help make the process fun.
  • Be adaptable: Don’t beat yourself up if you have an off day and simply try to make up for it the next. The point is to keep trying and develop new habits. 
  • Celebrate your wins: Reward yourself when you reach a milestone or notice a positive change. It’s a good reminder that this is a fun and rewarding experience.

When setting goals you should keep in mind the desired outcome, not the rules or regulations to get there. Whether it be getting more fit, being more social or seeing more of the world, a resolution should first and foremost be a positive thing. The idea is to stay motivated and most importantly, to have fun. We wish you the best of luck this year and if you’re interested in what an Ampler can do for you be sure to stop by for a test ride.

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