E-Bike Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Electric Bike in Top Shape

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Modern e-bikes are a practical everyday companion for comfortably covering long distances. They are also extremely robust and very durable, as the technology has made great leaps forward in recent years. Nevertheless, proactive e-bike maintenance is indispensable in order to be able to ride your new vehicle safely for a long time. You can easily do some of the maintenance yourself, but a number of repair and maintenance tasks should be left to experienced electric bike repair shops.

We aim to demonstrate what a thorough e-bike inspection should look like and which tasks you can take on yourself. With regular e-bike servicing, nothing will stand in the way of your long riding pleasure.

Regular E-Bike Maintenance Is Crucial

Many people want to avoid taking their electric bike to a workshop for servicing because they are afraid of the costs involved. Early e-bike maintenance does incur costs, but these should be regarded as a sensible investment. The sooner problems are detected, the cheaper the necessary e-bike repairs will be and, in addition, the safety of the rider will be guaranteed.

That is why most manufacturers recommend that the first inspection of a new e-bike should take place within the first 500 km (310 miles) or 6 weeks. At the service centre or bicycle repair shop, a mechanic will perform a comprehensive maintenance to ensure correct functionality. But how often does an e-bike need to be inspected afterwards? It’s generally agreed that e-bike servicing should be carried out every 1,500 to 2,000 kilometres (932 to 1243 miles) or at least once a year.

The costs for a professional e-bike inspection or maintenance can vary considerably. Depending on the location and provider, you should expect to pay between €50 and €100. However, in comparison this with the purchase price of the e-bike, these additional expenses are rather low and if you budget for them, there will be no unpleasant surprises later.

Draft a Sensible E-Bike Inspection List

E-bikes can be maintained in much the same way as conventional bicycles. Many of the common wearing parts are the same, so veteran cyclists should already be familiar with some of the checks. You can find a comprehensive inspection list for easy e-bike maintenance here.

Here is a brief summary:

  • Before each ride: Check the brakes and (at night) the lights beforehand. Make sure the chain is clean and oiled and the tyre pressure is correct. This quick inspection will only take you a minute or so, but it will contribute significantly to a safe ride.
  • Every month: You can check your bike for wear every month. Especially the brakes, mudguards, and screws can be affected by vibrations. Make sure that all screws are tight and tighten them if necessary.
  • Annually: The annual e-bike maintenance is best carried out in a workshop. All important elements such as the bottom bracket, brake cables, pedals, gears, and electronic components should be checked.

We will go into more detail regarding the tasks you can handle yourself. In this way, you can ensure that your bike stays in top condition between professional inspections.

Some E-Bike Maintenance Tasks You Can Carry Out Yourself

It is best to start with a thorough visual inspection to detect possible damage in advance. It can also be advisable to clean the e-bike vigorously first. This will make the rest of the work easier. You should be able to perform these e-bike maintenance tasks yourself:

  • Tighten the screws: One of the easiest maintenance tasks is to check that all screws are tight and tighten them if necessary. Vibrations during the ride can cause them to get loose over time.
  • Readjust brakes: Due to the higher speeds, brakes can wear out a little faster. Make sure that the brake pads are not worn out and that the brakes have a proper grip – otherwise they need to be readjusted.
  • Check the lighting: New LED lights last a long time, but they are not completely immune to failure. Check all lights on your bike and replace damaged lights if necessary.
  • **Adjust tyre pressure: **Optimal tyre pressure reduces resistance and ensures a comfortable ride. With a tyre pressure gauge, you can always ensure the ideal conditions, and experienced cyclists can do this manually by using a simple pressure test.
  • Oiling the chain and rear derailleur: It is equally important to ensure that the chain and rear derailleur are sufficiently oiled, which should be done during every e-bike maintenance. This reduces unnecessary friction and wear, and also makes pedalling easier.

In the Following Cases, Please Refer to a Professional E-Bike Service

Apart from the annual e-bike inspection or maintenance, you should also take your bike to the workshop immediately if you encounter certain issues. Malfunctions in the electronic components should only be tackled by professionals with the appropriate expertise. This includes complex parts such as the battery, wiring, electric motor and display. An expert can establish the cause and quickly rectify any issues.

Older e-bikes usually also have to go to the bicycle repair shop for software or firmware updates. The mechanic will install a new version via the corresponding interfaces. With modern e-bikes from Ampler, this is now performed as an “over-the-air” service, so you can install such firmware updates at home using the app. This is practical, saves time and reduces e-bike maintenance expenses.

If you have an accident or a fall, an inspection by a professional is also recommended. In some cases, a fall can lead to damage that is not apparent at first glance. After the inspection, you can be sure that your e-bike is safe to ride again.

3 Tips for the Optimal Care Of Your E-Bike

However, you can increase the longevity of your e-bike with good care. We’ll explain what you should focus on when maintaining and handling your e-bike to create the best possible conditions.

1. Regular Cleaning

Dirt doesn’t only have a visual impact, it can also lead to numerous functional problems later on. This is especially true if it accumulates over time and clogs the chain, for example. Therefore, regular cleaning is necessary to increase the longevity of the new electric bike. Sooner or later, dirt leads to wear and tear, just like on a conventional bicycle.

2. Preserve the Battery

Another important aspect can be careful handling of the battery to ensure that it delivers its maximum performance for a long time. Three full charges are recommended at the beginning, after which time the battery should never be completely discharged again. If you are not using your bike for a longer period of time, the battery level should not be at 100%, but around the 60% mark. This increases the battery life.

3. Park and Store Your E-Bike Correctly

Extreme temperatures and inclement weather can take their toll on an e-bike. Therefore, it makes sense not to park it permanently in the blazing sun in summer. The same applies during the winter; cold winter nights are not good for the battery. A locked bicycle cellar or even storage in the flat is recommended – a lightweight bike can also be carried relatively easily through the stairwell.

The Bottom Line

Regular e-bike maintenance is extremely important to ensure the best riding conditions. You should be able to carry out many of the maintenance tasks effortlessly yourself, like tightening the screws, adjusting the tyre pressure, oiling the chain and checking the brakes and lights. During the annual inspection, the bike repair workshop can ensure the correct functionality of all other parts.

Thanks to their robust construction, the modern Ampler e-bikes are extremely low-maintenance and easy to maintain because we install sensitive parts like the battery in the frame. This creates a fabulous look and provides greater protection against weather conditions and theft. If necessary, you can take our Ampler bikes to any bike shop or service partner for a professional e-bike maintenance.

Arrange a test ride on one of our stylish e-bikes today

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