How to Take Your Perfect Bike Fit Measurements

Whether you are an everyday commuter or a long-distance rider, all bike owners are united by the desire for comfort and safety while riding. To ensure both, you should gather some data before buying an e-bike to select the ideal one for you. Don’t worry, you don’t have to start an exhaustive in-depth analysis of your body for bike fit measurements, but you should at least measure your stride length and determine your sit bone distance.

These figures will give you an indication of which frame geometry offers you the best possible level of comfort and riding control. But how to measure yourself for a bike correctly, and what does this mean for your bike selection? We provide an overview of what to look out for.

Why Should You Measure Your Stride Length?

For many of us, cycling is more than just a form of transportation. It’s a lifestyle, a passion, and a way to explore the world in a self-determined way. But when it comes to achieving full performance and the ultimate riding experience on a bike, one crucial factor is often overlooked: stride length. This is because it is crucial in determining the ideal frame size for your bike.

If this doesn’t match up perfectly, it can quickly lead to uncomfortable riding positions, joint strain and accelerated fatigue. With a correctly calculated stride length, on the other hand, you will fit your bike seamlessly and achieve maximum efficiency with every pedal stroke.

More Performance and Comfort

Stride length not only affects your position on the bike, but also your performance. If you calculate it correctly and use it to select your bike, you can apply more power to the pedals and ride faster. This is particularly important if you are taking part in races or simply want to get from A to B rapidly.

Measuring your stride length also makes it possible to identify and resolve problems with your bike’s ergonomics. If you feel pain in your knees, back or neck when cycling, this could indicate an incorrectly determined length. By figuring out the proper bike fit measurements, you can minimize or eliminate such complaints.

Measure Your Stride Length Easily With These Instructions

Choosing the right bike frame is crucial if you want to enjoy maximum comfort, safety, and performance on your bike. So that you can enjoy all of this over the entire riding range of your e-bike, it is an essential criterion.

But how to measure yourself for a bike correctly? These simple steps will help you determine the stride length reliably.


Make sure you have the necessary utensils to hand before you start measuring. All you need is a spirit level or, alternatively, a book and either a tape measure or a folding rule. Take this to a straight, flat surface where you can stand safely – ideally a wall.

The Best Clothing

Only wear clothes that you would wear when cycling. If you keep your shoes on during the measurement, you will have to subtract 1 to 2 centimeters from the later result. This ensures that your bike fit measurements are as accurate as possible.


Stand upright against a wall. For a correct result, your feet should be touching, and your legs should be straight.

Take the Measurements

Carefully slide the spirit level or book up between your legs until it sits firmly on your crotch without being painful. Make sure it is parallel to the floor. This is the point at which you measure your stride length.

Define Stride Length

Take the tape measure or folding rule and measure the distance from the floor to the top of the book or spirit level. This is your stride length.

Bike Fit Measurements Are Used to Determine the Correct Frame Size

One way to find the perfect frame size for you is bike fitting. This is a process in which your individual body measurements and biomechanical characteristics are considered to determine the optimum frame size for your bike.

It can help to optimize aspects such as safety, comfort, efficiency, and injury prevention. The result is a vehicle with the proper bike fit measurements, tailor-made for you.

An important component of bike fitting is taking your stride length and body proportions into account. This table gives you an overview of which frame sizes could be suitable for you depending on the type of bike:

Stride length (in cm)Recommended frame size for road bikes (in cm)Recommended frame size for mountain bikes (in inches)Recommended frame size for city bikes (in cm)
Below 7146-4815-15.544-46
Above 9661-6321-23Above 63

However, these are only guidelines. Depending on your individual anatomy and personal preferences, there may well be deviations. Bike fitting helps you to take these factors into account and determine the best possible frame height for you.


Why is the frame size of a bike so essential?

The right frame height is crucial for comfort, safety, and your performance on the bike. An incorrect frame can lead to problems such as a lack of control and uncomfortable handling.

Can I use my measured stride length for different types of bikes?

Yes, the stride length can be used as a starting point for selecting the frame size for different types of bikes. However, adjustments may be necessary depending on the model and personal preferences.

What other factors should I consider when choosing a frame size?

In addition to stride length, you should consider your preferred riding position, steering angle and saddle height. These factors influence the fit and handling of your bike.

Does the recommended frame size apply to all bike models?

The recommended frame sizes can vary depending on the manufacturer. It is therefore important to consider the specific size charts and recommendations of the respective manufacturer.


Picking the right frame height for your bike is not just a small detail, but a decisive factor that determines whether you can truly enjoy every ride to the full. It helps when you do not know how to measure yourself for a bike correctly.

It is a key figure that directly influences your safety and comfort on the bike. An incorrectly selected frame height can quickly lead to discomfort, especially on long tours, which can turn your excursions into torture. You should therefore take all the more care when measuring your stride length for the proper bike fit.

However, to ensure that you then select a bike that really suits you, you should clarify what type of e-bike you are. Everyone finds different sitting positions or handlebar heights comfortable, and it makes a huge difference to your riding behavior whether you prefer to sit relaxed and upright or agile and bent over on your bike.

At Ampler, you can choose from five different models, each with different frame sizes and design concepts. You are sure to find a bike that is tailored to your needs. The frame size calculator not only helps you to take bike fit measurements, but also provides you with additional clues as to which bike is particularly recommended for your anatomy.

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